Wednesday, May 7, 2014

[Movie] The Book of Eli

Film yang rilis di tahun 2010 tapi baru saya tonton sekarang hahaha yep, saya termasuk orang yang tertinggal dalam hal-hal beginian. Tapi perlu saya akui, film ini patut direkomendasikan! Dari hasil browsing saya, akhirnya saya tahu film ini dibintangi: DENZEL WASHINGTON (nama yang baru saya ketahui setelahnya).

"He's different than other. You're not gonna be able to make him do what you want him to do" -Claudia

Eli: "We walk by faith, not by sight"
Solara: "what do you mean?"
Eli: "It means that you know something, even if you don't know something"

"Do for other more than do for your self"

Dear Lord,
thankyou for giving me the strength
and conviction to complete the task you entrused to me.
Thankyou for guiding me, straight and true,
throught the many obstacles in my path,
and for keeping me resolute
when all around seemed lost.
Thankyou for your protection
and for your many signs along the way.
Thankyou for any good that I may have done.
I'm so sorry about the bad.
Thankyou for the friend I made.
Please watch over her
as You've watched over me.
Thankyou for finally allowing me to rest.
I'm so very tired, but I go now to my rest,
at peace,
knowing that I've done right with my time on this earth.
I fought the good fight.
I finished the race.
I kept the faith.