Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Lebih dipersingkat lagi-_-

Brother and Sister,
My name is Florencia Selvy Allolinggi from XII Exact 2. Firstly, I want to say thanks for the opportunity which has given to me, so I can stand here today to deliver my speech about “The Controversial of National Examination”. Before that, let us say thank to God because of His blessing, we can meet here today, and of course to see my beautiful speech and face.

Brother and Sister,
As we know together, that the purpose of Indonesia’s education has been existed in UUD (Constitution) 1945 that to educate the nation’s life become clever. On the other hand there are a lot of controversial which happen. Many students and educators still ask about the affectivity of National Examination. It happens because the government increases the standard qualification year by year without watch the ability and capability of each schools and students in this country. It means that the National Examination still get the domination power to decide the destiny of each students. More over, in 2013 the packet has been added to be 20 packets which make students become scary because they can not have the same partner in the class, so they can not ask while the national examination test happens.

Brother and Sister,
It was horrific! In our process to educate the nation, there are many mistakes while to face the National Examination the students search the answer; they try to cheat, because they’re afraid first before face it, the teacher also can not do anything except give the student motivation. However, they also just keep quite while they know that the student do wrong way to get good scores. More over, in some areas also those are exist about the answer seller of National Examination. Recently, also there are several provinces which did not get the question and answer sheet. What happen to our country?
We may conclude that government just spend much education fund to create this tragedy. We must fix the sector of education first before hold the National Examination, because as we see right now from those tragedies Indonesia has not been ready yet to face it.

The Indonesia's education quality has not been equal. We can compare with another country as example in Japan. Japan hold the National Examination from the kindergarten until high school rate, but we think Japan has been ready. It is because in Japan has had good quality of each education sector. So at the very first time they have been ready for it, if we compare with our country.

Brother and Sister,
If the government still continue the National Examination,  it will just decrease our educational system, because in the end of the day there will be more students who do wrong way to be graduated. The government also is not truly wrong, because this program at first is held to make our education be equal in the world, but we have not been ready yet to face it. For that, we must improve our education system first, so I really believe someday we can be equal with other country. For the all students, still continue to study hard, Indonesia’s destiny is in yours. For the teachers, you must work hard to still educate our nation. So, in my last speech “we should erase the National Examination first, because it has many controversials and Indonesia has not been ready yet to face it”. The good nation is a nation who has good peoples! Let's to keep in spirit for Indonesia!

That's all about my speech. I hope it will be useful for us. Thank you

Monday, March 10, 2014

Ujian Praktek Drama B.Jepang

Do youbi ni risa to sereshi to barudi gakkou de ikimasu. Gakkou de karera wa atarashii seito wo mite kanojo to shoukai shitaindesu.
Barudi,risa,sereshi : ohayou gozaimasu…
Furo : ohayou
Risa : o namae wa?
Furo : watashi wa furo desu. Anata wa?
ふろ:わたしわふろです。 あなたわ。
Risa : Risa desu
Barudi : Barudi desu
Sereshi : Sereshi desu. furo chan tokorode, doko ni sunde imasuka?
Furo : NTI ni sunde imasu
sereshi: NTI wa doko desuka?
Barudi : BTP no chikaku ni arimasu
Furo : anata tachi, doko ni sunde imasuka?
Sereshi: sungguminasa ni sunde imasu
Barudi: nuri ni sunde imasu
Risa : buntu torpedo ni sunde imasu
Furo : aaa
Risa : furo chan, denwa ban gou wa nan ban desuka?
Furo : 856-504 desu
Barudi : douzo yoroshiku
Furo : minna san douzo yorushiku
*karera wa, sorezore no basho ni modotta nochi
Barudi : risa san kyou wa nani wo benkyoushimasuka?
Risa : kyou wa eigo to butsuri to kagaku benkyoushimasu
Barudi : nan ji kara nan ji made kagaku wo benkyoushimasuka?
Risa : hachi ji kara jyuu ji made
Sereshi : risa san, yuube wa nani wo shimasuka?
Risa : watashi yuube wa terebi wo shimashita. Anata wa nani wo shimashitaka???
Sereshi: watashi yuube wa mooru de tomodachi ni aimashita
Barudi : dare desuka?
sereshi: Binka san desu
Barudi : Binka san wa donna hito desuka?
Sereshi : binka san wa kamiganagakute segatakakute kawaii desu
Barudi : ahhh… sou desuka?
ばるぢ:あああ そうですか。
Furo : dare no hon desuka?
Barudi : watashi no desu
Furo : sono hon wa ikura desuka?
Barudi : hachiman rupia desu
Furo : sono hon wa doko de kaimashitaka?
Barudi : guramedia de kaimashita
Furo : aaahh sou ka
*Soushite bijutsu no sensei wa gurupu no shukudai o ataeru furo to sereshi to risa to barudi wa onaji gurupu desu
Furo : doko de shuukudai wo shimasuka?
Barudi : watashi no uchi deshimasho
Furo,risa,sereshi : ahhhh
*Ashita wa barudi san no uchi ni
Furo,risa,sereshi: shitsureishimasu
Barudi : douzo
Risa : barudi san guropu no shokuhin arimasuka?
Barudi: iie,mada arimasen
sereshi : doko de kaimasuka?
Barudi : agun de kaimasuka
Risa : ja,agun e ikimasu
*Sorekara ato no agun  ni tochaku
Furo: barudi san wa yusei enogu de, risa wa paretto de sereshi wa fude desu.
Barudi,risa,sereshi : hai sou desu.

Praktek Ujian Pidato Bing

Brother and Sister,
My name is Florencia Selvy Allolinggi from XII Exact 2. Firstly, I want to say thanks for the opportunity which has given to me, so I can stand here today to deliver my speech about “The Controversial of National Examination”. Before that, let us say thank to God because of His blessing, we can meet here today, and of course to see my beautiful speech and face. And also, Praise and greet to our Jesus Christ who brought us from the darkness to the brightness.

Brother and Sister,
As we know together, that the purpose of Indonesia’s education has been existed in UUD (Constitution) 1945 that to educate the nation’s life become clever. On the other hand there are a lot of controversial which happen. Many students and educators still ask about the affectivity of National Examination. This controversial comes while the National Examination function at first which is to increase the National Education system standard has changed to be decreasing. How can it be guys? It happens because the government increases the standard qualification year by year without watch the ability and capability of each schools and students in this country. For example, in 2010 the standard score to be graduated is 5,25. In 2011 and 2012, it's the same score 5,5. The difference in 2011 is pure from National Examination, but in 2012 there is an accumulation between 60% from National Examination score and 40% from School Examination score which is consist of report around 3 years and School Examination. The differences happen to lose the stigma that just only National Examination which decide their destiny. By this concern, the government gives consideration for each school to report the students study process around 3 years, but still it is just only 40% from its accumulation. It means that the National Examination still get the domination power to decide the destiny of each students. More over, in 2013 the packet has been added to be 20 packets which make students become scary because they can not have the same partner in the class, so they can not ask while the national examination test happens.

Brother and Sister,
It was horrific! In our process to educate the nation there are many mistakes while to face the National Examination the students search the answer; they try to cheat, they’re afraid first before face it, the teacher also can not do anything except give the student motivation. However, they also just keep quite while they know that the student do wrong way to get good scores. In the several areas, even some schools steal the question sheet. More over, in some areas also those are exist about the answer seller of National Examination. Recently, also there are several provinces which did not get the question and answer sheet.  What happen to our country?
We may conclude that government just spend much education fund to create this tragedy. Actually, the education fund is much better to be allocated in other sector, like to fix some schools building, to give facility, walfare for the teacher, to train the teacher and so on. We must fix the sector of education first before hold the National Examination, because as we see right now from those tragedies Indonesia has not been ready yet to face it.
The Indonesia's education quality has not been equal, there are still many schools which lack of facilities, or some schools in a village still have problem with their building, teachers, materials and so on. It is impossible for them to get high quality from education in its condition, so it is better for government to finish it first. We can compare with another country as example in Japan. Japan hold the National Examination from the kindergarten until high school rate, but we think Japan has been ready. It is because in Japan has had good quality of each education sector. The first one is their human aspect, and the second is their system. In Japan, the facilities in schools are enough, also for the teachers has been trained well, the system of education also really determine their discipline. So at the very first time they have been ready for it, if we compare with our country.

Brother and Sister,
If the government still continue the National Examination, we count that it is not appropiate way to increase our education system. It will just decrease our educational system, because in the end of the day there will be more students who do wrong way to be graduated. Maybe just several schools who do it honest. The government also is not truly wrong, because this program at first is held to make our education be equal in the world, but we have not been ready yet to face it. For that, I really want to say, that for the all educators to concern about it. We must improve our education system first, so I really believe someday we can be equal with other country. For the all students, still continue to study hard, Indonesia’s destiny is in yours. For the teachers, you must work hard to still educate our nation, think that we must educate people just to make them become a good person in a right way, not in a wrong way. So, in my last speech “we should erase the National Examination first, because it has many controversials and Indonesia has not been ready yet to face it”. The good nation is a nation who has good peoples! Let's to keep in spirit for Indonesia!

That's all about my speech. I hope it will be useful for us. Thank you

Praktek Ujian Pidato Bing (dalam b.indonesia)

Saudara-Saudari ,
Nama saya adalah Florencia Selvy Allolinggi dari XII
IPA 2 . Pertama, saya ingin mengucapkan terima kasih atas kesempatan yang telah diberikan kepada saya , sehingga saya bisa berdiri di sini hari ini untuk menyampaikan pidato saya tentang " Kontroversial Ujian Nasional " . Sebelum itu , mari kita katakan terima kasih kepada Tuhan karena berkat-Nya , kita bisa bertemu di sini hari ini , dan tentu saja untuk melihat pidato yang indah dan wajah . Dan juga , Puji dan menyapa kita Yesus Kristus yang membawa kita dari kegelapan untuk kecerahan .

Seperti kita ketahui bersama , bahwa tujuan pendidikan di Indonesia telah ada di UUD (Konstitusi ) 1945 bahwa untuk mencerdaskan kehidupan bangsa menjadi pintar . Di sisi lain ada banyak kontroversi yang terjadi . Banyak siswa dan pendidik masih bertanya tentang efektifitas Ujian Nasional . Ini kontroversial datang sementara fungsi Ujian Nasional pada awalnya yaitu untuk meningkatkan standar sistem Pendidikan Nasional telah diubah menjadi menurun . Bagaimana bisa orang-orang ? Hal ini terjadi karena pemerintah meningkatkan standar kualifikasi dari tahun ke tahun tanpa melihat kemampuan dan kemampuan masing-masing sekolah dan siswa di negeri ini . Sebagai contoh, pada tahun 2010 nilai standar untuk lulus adalah 5,25 . Pada tahun 2011 dan 2012 , itu skor 5,5 yang sama . Perbedaan pada tahun 2011 adalah murni dari Ujian Nasional , tetapi pada tahun 2012 ada akumulasi antara 60 % dari nilai Ujian Nasional dan 40 % dari nilai Ujian Sekolah yang terdiri dari laporan sekitar 3 tahun dan Pemeriksaan School. Perbedaan terjadi kehilangan stigma bahwa Ujian Nasional hanya hanya yang menentukan nasibnya . Dengan keprihatinan ini , pemerintah memberikan pertimbangan untuk setiap sekolah untuk melaporkan proses pembelajaran siswa sekitar 3 tahun , tapi tetap saja hanya hanya 40 % dari akumulasi . Ini berarti bahwa Ujian Nasional masih mendapatkan kekuatan dominasi untuk memutuskan nasib masing-masing siswa . Terlebih lagi , pada tahun 2013 paket telah ditambahkan menjadi 20 paket yang membuat siswa menjadi menakutkan karena mereka tidak dapat memiliki pasangan yang sama di kelas , sehingga mereka tidak dapat meminta sedangkan uji ujian nasional terjadi .

Itu mengerikan ! Dalam proses kita untuk mencerdaskan bangsa ada banyak kesalahan saat menghadapi Ujian Nasional siswa mencari jawabannya , mereka mencoba untuk menipu , mereka takut terlebih dahulu sebelum wajah itu , guru juga tidak bisa melakukan apa pun kecuali memberikan motivasi siswa . Namun, mereka juga terus cukup sementara mereka tahu bahwa siswa melakukan cara yang salah untuk mendapatkan nilai yang baik . Di beberapa daerah , bahkan beberapa sekolah mencuri lembar pertanyaan . Terlebih lagi , di beberapa daerah juga mereka yang ada tentang penjual jawaban Ujian Nasional . Baru-baru ini , juga ada beberapa provinsi yang tidak mendapatkan pertanyaan dan jawaban lembar . Apa yang terjadi pada negara kita ? Kita dapat menyimpulkan bahwa pemerintah hanya menghabiskan dana pendidikan banyak untuk membuat tragedi ini . Sebenarnya, dana pendidikan jauh lebih baik dialokasikan pada sektor lain , seperti untuk memperbaiki beberapa bangunan sekolah , untuk memberikan fasilitas , walfare bagi guru , untuk melatih guru dan sebagainya . Kita harus memperbaiki sektor pendidikan terlebih dahulu sebelum memegang Ujian Nasional , karena seperti yang kita lihat sekarang dari orang- tragedi Indonesia belum siap belum untuk menghadapinya .
Kualitas pendidikan di Indonesia belum sama , masih banyak sekolah yang kekurangan fasilitas , atau beberapa sekolah di sebuah desa masih memiliki masalah dengan bangunan mereka , guru , bahan dan sebagainya . Tidak mungkin bagi mereka untuk mendapatkan kualitas tinggi dari pendidikan dalam kondisi , maka akan lebih baik bagi pemerintah untuk menyelesaikannya terlebih dahulu . Kita dapat membandingkan dengan negara lain sebagai contoh di Jepang . Jepang memegang Ujian Nasional dari TK sampai tingkat SMA , tapi kami pikir Jepang telah siap . Hal ini karena di Jepang telah memiliki kualitas yang baik dari masing-masing sektor pendidikan . Yang pertama adalah aspek manusia mereka , dan yang kedua adalah sistem mereka . Di Jepang , fasilitas di sekolah yang cukup , juga untuk guru telah dilatih dengan baik , sistem pendidikan juga sangat menentukan disiplin mereka . Jadi pada pertama kalinya mereka telah siap untuk itu , jika kita bandingkan dengan negara kita .

Jika pemerintah tetap melanjutkan Ujian Nasional , kami menghitung bahwa itu bukan cara yang telah sesuai untuk meningkatkan sistem pendidikan kita . Itu hanya akan menurunkan sistem pendidikan kita , karena pada akhir hari akan ada lebih banyak siswa yang melakukan cara yang salah untuk lulus . Mungkin hanya beberapa sekolah yang melakukannya jujur ​​. Pemerintah juga tidak benar-benar salah, karena program ini pada awalnya diadakan untuk membuat pendidikan kita sama di dunia, tapi kami belum siap belum untuk menghadapinya . Untuk itu , saya benar-benar ingin mengatakan bahwa untuk semua pendidik untuk perhatian tentang hal itu . Kita harus memperbaiki sistem pendidikan kita yang pertama , jadi saya benar-benar percaya suatu hari nanti kita bisa sama dengan negara lain . Untuk semua siswa , masih terus belajar keras , nasib Indonesia adalah di hatimu . Untuk para guru , Anda harus bekerja keras untuk tetap mendidik bangsa kita , berpikir bahwa kita harus mendidik orang hanya untuk membuat mereka menjadi orang baik dengan cara yang benar , bukan dengan cara yang salah . Jadi , dalam pidato terakhir saya " kita harus menghapus Ujian Nasional pertama , karena memiliki banyak controversials dan Indonesia belum siap belum untuk menghadapinya " . Bangsa yang baik adalah bangsa yang memiliki masyarakat yang baik ! Mari kita untuk tetap semangat untuk Indonesia !

Itu semua tentang pidato saya . Saya berharap ini akan berguna bagi kita . terima kasih